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Das Grabgewölbe 1994
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More On The Concept Evolution
Zielen vergaan nooit omdat ze niet gebonden zijn aan de vergankelijkheid van materie. Zij hebben echter fysische intelligentie nodig om...

"Bent u er nog?" "Ja, ik ben er nog." "Hoe vond u het?" "Ik weet niet of ik daar zomaar kan op antwoorden." "U mag niet zeggen hoe u het...
Short Note on CERN And JWST
The CERN Project and the James Webb Telescope both are precisely measured material technologies that search, and will search (2018!!) for...
Thoughts and feelings
"Thoughts and feelings should not be mistaken for one another" ~Encounter Vlaanderen~ The intentional behavior of a human being causes a...
A short note on evolution/devolution
The only purpose of nature is evolution. Nature NEVER devolves. Natural selection would be the toll we pay for evolution. The human brain...
What about beliefs and Karma?
When humans are punished by God, they automatically think they have been punished by evil. Evil, or rather the devil, is a creation of...
More on the GUT (Grand Unified Theory)
There is a paradox between Empirical Sciences and Humanities in the case that Humanities is not refuted in our current state of...
What about The Grand Unified Theorem?
The singularities of black holes ‘could’ be used as portals to other universes or other dimensions. Matter cannot pass such portals...
What about the Universal Spin?
Two black holes start spinning half the speed of light, creating a larger black hole, emitting Gravitional Waves. The above would...

You Can Be Yourself Joe
Second album, available soon. 1. Oh Brother Where Art Thou? 2. The Bohemian In Paris 3. De Hoop Van Weleer (wat zullen we doen...
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