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Some thoughts on population growth

At this day, the number of births are more than the double of number of deaths. Not a good perspective for the future.

Healthcare is the prime factor why earths population is rapidly increasing. People live longer, most diseases can be cured these days, even a few forms of cancer as well.

From the article:

Contrary to common wisdom, rapid population growth is the result of development, not of misery. It is driven largely by the fact that people live longer, and longer lives mean more people, even with fewer children per family.

A remarkable fact in the article:

In fact, the number of children (age 0-14) has hardly increased since 2000 and is expected to remain at around two billion throughout most of this century. In other words, all of today’s global population growth comes from higher numbers of adults.

In the span of 100 years (between 1950 and 2050), the world’s population will have nearly quadrupled (from 2.5 billion to around 9.5 billion). This dramatic acceleration can be seen in the demographic profile of our planet: today 92 percent of all humans were born after 1949 and some 70 percent of those alive today are still expected to be living in 2050.

The following article increases our hope for the future though:

Population explosion is a myth. Today, we have 7.3 billion people. In 2050, we will have around 9 billion, and in 2100 the world population will possibly reach its peak with about 10-11 billion people. This implies an actual annual population increase of less than 1 percent with a tendency to fall to zero by 2100.


Annual growth of demand can be met by helping farmers to intensify production where the yield gap is high. Conscious consumption and less waste in rich countries would already be a safe strategy to provide affordable food for all.

We all seem to have a different point of view on the matter:

United Nations has projected that our incredible population growth will level off at around 10 billion people by the year 2100. Already, at less than seven billion, we are experiencing severe poverty, hunger, a shortage of resources, increased urbanization and climate change issues. Will we be doomed by 2100, or can we make it work? Since we've only got one planet (so far), let's hope for the latter.

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