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Das Grabgewölbe 1994
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18th Album 'L.O.V.E.' (under construction)
Knowing II Cup Of Tea Liefde Is De Sterkste Kracht Tot De Dood Zich Schijt The Sea Johnny

17th Album 'Lord Of Creation' (under construction)
The Solid Foundation Hello Is What It Takes Die Liefde Yerushalaim (rerun) Vrij Zijn PAIN This Is A Lovesong The Road To Hell Empty Space...

16th Album 'United' (under construction)
1. De Stellarator 2. Botsen Er Nog Geen Atomen Genoeg Misschien? 3. Ãœbermensch 4. Sunken Ship 5. Boy With The Black Curls 6. ...

The Rumble
There's an avalanche coming your way, You should watch what you say. You can hear the rumble at a distance, Giving you reply. "How afar...

15th Album "Time'
1 Mother Earth 2. The Land Where It Never Rains 3. LUCHT 4. My TV Screen Glasses 5. Una Terra Promessa 6. Ik Heb Tijd 7. ...

Nuclear Fusion (update)
The breakeven energy point has been reached at the city of Vichte in Belgium.. This might sound odd to some people so I'd be happy to...

14th Album 'Hope Of The Sands'
1. C'Est La Vie 2. Hope Of The Sands 3. Zij Is Blij 4. Rigel 5. Le Brouillard 6. A Sign II 7. Johnny Sadman 8. The...

12th Album 'Yess Sire!'
1. Long Live Life! 2. Fantastique 3. De Jager 4. Four 5. I Have To Get Used (to it) 6. Gasoline 7. Eenhoorn 8. Thinking...

11th album 'For The Holy One'
1. I Won't Close Them 2. Knowing 3. I Was There When It Happened 4. So Sayeth Thee 5. In The Name Of Jesus 6. The Will (next...

Vlaams kampioenschap voor straatmuzikanten
Wanneer? Zaterdag 16 juni van 13.30h tot en met 17.30h Waar? Izegem
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