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Thoughts and feelings

"Thoughts and feelings should not be mistaken for one another"

~Encounter Vlaanderen~

The intentional behavior of a human being causes a threatening effect on another human soul with the effect that they are attracted to one another (cfr. my previous blog). This results in curiousness for the unknown, thus a quest for knowledge is again at hand.

"People like danger" would be a simple, but accurate description for the above mind boggler.

The source for this is to be found within the individual himself. Each expression towards another individual equals a 'command' from within the ego of the individual (je pense, donc je suis). The other individual might experience that 'command' as a threat.

(I would like to euphemize the above 'command' to a 'wish' myself :D)

Good souls see the 'command' as a 'wish' from another soul and act with respect towards the Great Cause in answering to that wish.

This brings me back to the beginning of this blog whereas intentional behavior (thoughts) should not be mistaken for feelings, or rather, emotions.

I would like to thank the organisation of Encounter Vlaanderen for inspiring my above thoughts.

The Great Cause is a mind boggler in the first song of my debut album 'Songs From My Seasick Guitar' (song not available on the internet~red)

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